A conversation about Interoperability and building digital public spaces

Interoperability is one of the original design principles underpinning the internet, allowing the internet to grow to its current size. But what kind of interoperability would serve as a solution to the problems of today’s internet? Discussions around interoperability often focus on what we call ‘competitive interoperability’. It’s necessary that we shift our perspective, from a single platform to an ecosystem view. Public policies should actively co-create other ecosystems and the new economy.
On 22 March at 15:00 CET, Sophie Bloemen (Commons Network) and Alek Tarkowski (Open Future) discussed this in a conversation with Amandine Le Pape (COO and co-founder of Element, co-founder and guardian of the Matrix Foundation) and Ian Brown (visiting CyberBRICS Professor at FGV Law School) while presenting the findings of the report Generative Interoperability: Building Public and Civic Spaces Online.